[TRAIL Seminar] Large Language Models and Law | Talk from Prof. Harry Surden

We are pleased to invite you to the 6th seminar of the Trustworthy and Responsible AI Lab, an AXA-Sorbonne University joint research lab.

Large Language Models and Law

Harry Surden
Professor of Law at the University of Colorado Law School

Thursday June 29th 2023, 14:00 – 15:00 CET
Sorbonne University – Faculté des Sciences
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie

4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris
Tower 24 → 4th floor → Corridor 24-25 → Room #405 (at LIP6 lab)
See Campus Map

Large Language Models and Law

Artificial Intelligence (AI) approaches using Large Language Model (LLM) technologies, such as GPT-4, have achieved remarkable gains in capabilities in the past year. Such models are capable of fluently producing, and in some cases, analyzing text. Given that most legal systems use language and text as the central communication device, a natural question arises:  To what extent might Large Language Models (LLM) play a role in the practice of law?

In this talk, I will introduce large language model technology, explain briefly how they work, and then explore their uses and their limits within law. I show some valuable use cases in terms of producing drafts of US language legal documents, such as contracts, patent applications, etc.  However, I also caution about their limits, given current capabilities, as well as some directions for improvement.

Harry Surden is a Professor of Law at the University of Colorado, and Associate Director at Stanford University’s CodeX Center for Legal Informatics.

Professor Surden is one of the leading scholars of artificial intelligence and law and is the creator of Computable Contracts.  His articles “Structural Rights in Privacy”, “Machine Learning and Law”, and “Artificial and Law: An Overview” have been widely cited.  Professor Surden has a background both in computer science and law.  Prior to entering academia, Professor Surden worked as a professional software engineer at Cisco Systems and Bloomberg L.P..  He is a graduate of Stanford University and Cornell University, both with honors.
